
Venice is a pedestrian city and a great place for kids. They can move freely since there are no cars around and they can even play in one of the many campi (squares). Still, kids need to be entertained in a more creative and enjoyable way.

A nice activity for them after much walking or visiting is a mask decoration experience. Venice is world known for its Carnival and masks are still a living tradition. You can see masks shops all over the city, so is high time to know more about them.

Let’s visit a great masks workshop in the heart of town and learn the meaning of Carnival and why people used to disguise their identity. Soon after you‘ll sit on a table, choose a mask you like to decorate and let your imagination run free with colors!  The staff will always be there teaching and guiding while overseeing the entire process.

When masks are finished kids need to ’recharge batteries‘ with a chocolate tasting class. The maitre chocolatier will introduce you first to the history of cocoa and explain the differences between different products like pralines or dragees. And finally will invite you to taste the real thing! Enjoy yourself savouring chocolate in its most diverse blends and shapes.

The tour will finish back to the masks workshop where you can collect your ´works of art.´


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